PBI Inner Circle
PBI Inner Circle

Welcome to PBI Inner Circle

Empowering photo booth entrepreneurs to create unforgettable experiences.

Why PBI Inner Circle?

We support new photo booth entrepreneurs looking to establish their businesses, exploring innovative trends and technology in the industry, to create unique experiences and delight customers at every event.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of PBI Inner Circle:

  • You'll gain insights into the latest trends and technologies, elevating your photo booth game.
  • You will connect with innovative entrepreneurs, fostering a supportive network for your business.
  • You'll learn how to create unique and delightful experiences for your clients at every event.

When You Join Today

When you join PBI Inner Circle today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Engage in Interactive Courses: Members can enrol for specialized courses ranging from business set-up advice, to advanced photo booth technology mastery. These courses include video demonstrations on the latest trends which will give beginners a practical understanding, helping them establish and grow their business.
  • Participate in Industry Trend Chats: The community hosts regular live chat sessions focussed on the latest industry trends and technologies. New members can directly interact with photo booth professionals and entrepreneurs, use these insights to stay ahead in the market and create unique customer experiences.
  • Attend Technology Showcase Events: These are live events where manufacturers and innovators showcase the latest photo booth technology. New members can try out new equipment and software, get handy tips from creators and incorporate these innovations into their businesses to differentiate themselves.